mantras | vol 1

An exploration in art, music and meditation.


Mantras is an ongoing series that started amidst the pandemic, and has evolved to a working practice of art & multi-media. This is the first series of pieces; that feature experimental visual art in macro format, paired with music from artist-friends & themes that derive from a longstanding mediation practice. To the team involved with thanks -

Alastair Brookes, Chalky White, Jim Bastow, Matthew Harris and Oska Donnie.

2022 Screening at Particle + Wave Festival

Visual Art


I had the pleasure of hiring Sarah Koury to direct and edit a recent music video. Her wonderful photography and connection to nature within her aesthetic has always resonated with me. I look forward to working alongside her for more projects in the future.

- Shamik Bilgi, label owner at Sensing Waves.

Eutrophic Inception

// Director of Photography & Edit

By Ruby Singh - 

‘ This composition of light and sound is an offering for the summer solstice. When the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, we experience the longest days and shortest nights of the year. The Earth in all her glory seems to bow from the north pole towards the centre of our solar system. May this piece allow space for you to explore your relationship to light. Though these are the brightest days we face dark truths. May we become containers of light to hold these truths, so we can hold and enact the possibilities of radical transformation. This piece contains underwater footage of the shallow canal that joins 2 lakes from the shared ancestral and present day territories of the Klahoose, Tla’amin and Homalco Nations.’

© Sensing Waves, 2021. 
